Review M & M chapter about charts/graphs
Well, I think I understand about these graphs now...better than I did before, anyway. Although my initial reading/going over of the chapter in the book was kind of confusing, I honestly got more out of the same chart/graph that was posted on our D2L site. Also, looking at the graphs that my peers posted has helped immensely too. Like Rachael (I think) said, she had to kind of tweak the headings on her graph or chart to match what her paper is about, and how her sources were written...I think that's what I'm going to end up doing too. I know not all of my sources fit into the "one size fits all" mold, especially since not all of mine are about motivating kids to read or motivating kids to speak in the target language. Some of my sources are simply a general overview about motivation and motivation in an academic setting, not a specific aspect of the topic. Like Rachael, I think that'll be my approach to this task of creating a chart/graph that represents at least 5 of my bibliography sources and their contents.
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