Saturday, October 21, 2006

Chapter 10 discussion

I just got done reading chapter 10...what a lot to digest! In a good way, though, so it's okay. I came away from reading the chapter with a bunch of ideas to use in my own classroom, mostly about how to conduct good/valuable research experiments. Still, I was left with a big "huh?" in one area. The amount of time needed to construct and conduct the experiment, as well as to interpret the results. I don't know about you guys, but I just don't have that kind of extra time. I already feel majorly torn between being a quality teacher to my Spanish students and my requirements for this class/writing my APP. However, I do think that as educators, we already conduct "mini-experiments" all the time...trying something new with an end result prediction in our minds, using what works and ditching what doesn't. I guess the thing that stuck with me the most after reading chapter 10 was, regardless of the intent behind creating/conducting the experiment, one can never fully factor in the amount of time the whole process will take. One of my professors as an undergraduate told us many times, "expect the unexpected, and you'll be prepared for anything!" Yep, Dr. were right! (And Shakespeare is still one of my favorite MSU memories!!!)


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