Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Research Relevance

I honestly can't pinpoint the idea of relevance...I think this is one of those "gray areas" where it's a matter of personal interpretation. The research I've done for various grad classes has been extremely me as a teacher, to me as a grad student. That same research, however, could be totally useless to another grad student or another teacher, depending on what their interests are and/or the subject area they teach. I do feel, though, that there seems to be a sort of scale for judging relevance. This may not make complete sense in how I'm explaining it, but I think that many people consider topics and research relevant if they get published, if an award is given to the person conducting the research, or if some type of recognition is given by the district's administrators. As for which topics would fit...right now, as I still consider myself a fairly new teacher (this fall will start my 6th year as a high school Spanish teacher), anything dealing with Spanish or English education at the secondary level and anything dealing with ESL/ELL education would fit in. As for the relevance of those, it would completely depend on my thoughts/feelings after reading the article/research and how the things I've learned from reading could apply to my own classroom and students.


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